Multilingual foreign language typesetting – i.e. post-editing the layout of translated files in our customers’ corresponding DTP programs – has always been important to us. This is because most of our customers not only want their documents translated but also wish to retain the original format.

Cross-format translations

For you, this means a significantly shorter processing time and therefore lower costs compared to separate, subsequent layout editing of your files. It also reduces potential sources of error, such as incorrect text breaks and hyphenation, unwanted abbreviations and truncations.

Foreign language typesetting / layout post-editing

Microsoft Office

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Illustrator






The layout post-editing of the translated files in the DTP or layout programs listed here is carried out either internally by our project managers or by external colleagues and partners.

Print-ready documents in several target languages: Translation and DTP – both from a single provider

Our DTP services

Ordering DTP services independently of the translation

Post-processing of layout and graphics for print-ready documents in all standard DTP and layout programs.

Publication in all formats

Editing fonts and character sets

File format conversion

Adapting the length of text in line with linguistic and cultural requirements

Adapting complex character sets such as Chinese, Japanese and Arabic

Customized typesetting and graphic services

Any questions?

Questions about DTP programmes, file formats, language combinations, specialist areas, an upcoming translation project or your internal workflows in general? With 30 years of experience in the translation and localization sector, we work with you to develop customized solutions and optimized workflows for your company and your translation projects.