
In our translation process, proofreading is an integral part of quality management. In this in-house quality control process, translations are checked for completeness, spelling, grammar, numbers and terminology.

If you wish, we can arrange additional proofreading by a second translator specializing in the same subject area (dual control principle) or an additional review processes involving your foreign subsidiaries. Copy editing also includes stylistic corrections to enhance comprehensibility and readability. We can also condense or tighten the text if necessary. Feel free to contact us about this.

Highest standards of quality and customer satisfaction

SAM Xlation has been certified to DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 17100 since February 2024, and added DIN EN ISO 18587 certification in May of this year. We undergo an annual surveillance audit to maintain these certifications.

The certifications offer our clients the assurance of a high-quality, consistent and efficient translation service in compliance with strict international quality and confidentiality standards.

Internal and external copy editing

We work with a large pool of proofreaders from various specialist fields and proofread both your English and foreign-language texts either in-house or with the help of our external colleagues and partners, checking them for



content consistency


a natural flow

Collaboration | Review

If you require external proofreading or review in addition to our internal work, we will collaborate directly with your branches in the relevant target language country. The following services are then part of the copy editing or review process:

Communication with your foreign branches

Implementation of change requests and author corrections in the translated and reformatted files

Entering change requests and author corrections into the translation memory databases

After project completion: Updating your translation memories, terminology databases and glossaries

Customer testimonials

Any questions?

Questions about proofreading and copy editing, external review processes, language combinations, further specialist areas, file formats, an upcoming translation project or your internal processes in general? We can look back on 30 years of experience in the translation and localization sector and work with you to develop customized solutions and optimized workflows for your company and your translation projects.